The Guys are the rockin’est, best sound­ing group around with won­der­ful vo­cals, out­stand­ing mu­si­cian­ship, per­son­al­ity & pro­fes­sion­al­ism you are bound to love. These cats bounce from song to song, keepin’ the dance floor packed at all times. The Guys pro­vide the ex­cite­ment and then some, play­ing won­der­ful fa­mil­iar dance tunes from any decade! Check ‘em out! Add “Cow­abunga Bob” McEl­wain & “Surfin’ Stephanie” Teel to cap­ture that ‘beachin’ west Coast Surfin’ Beach Boys sound.

Mem­bers of The Guys have recorded with or ap­peared in con­cert with Huey Lewis, Michael Mc­Don­ald, David Crosby, Gen­e­sis, War, The Tubes, Eddie Money, The Stray Cats, Muddy Wa­ters, Roxy Music, Tracy Chap­man, Jaco Pas­to­rius, Sug­ar­loaf, Bo Did­dley, Del­bert Mc­Clin­ton, Flash Cadil­lac, Booker T, The Drifters, Joe Sa­tri­ani, Bon­nie Hayes, Narada Michael Walden, Neal Schon (Jour­ney/San­tana) and Maria Mul­dair, just to name a few.

Please enjoy these audio samples:

Brown Eyed Girl

Long Train Runnin’

Little Bitty Pretty One

Under The Boardwalk